about me

Dallas grass

{photo credit: JD Scoop Photography}

Hi, I’m Dallas. Thanks so much for stopping by!

A little about me: I’m a writer, teacher, speaker, editor, publisher and coach. I am passionate about using the written word as a tool of empowerment. In a nutshell, my life’s work is not only to share my stories, but also to help others tell the stories that matter most to them and embrace their best lives.

I spend my days working on my new novel manuscript; taking yoga breaks; writing short stories and plays; teaching writers of all ages in classes, small groups, and individual sessions; reading reading reading; going for walks on the trails around my neighborhood; baking and cooking nourishing meals; and soaking up time with my husband Allyn.

“Day-by-Day Masterpiece” stems from one of my favorite-ever quotes {I love it so much I have it posted above my writing desk and as my cell phone background} … it comes from the late, great John Wooden, who was a huge inspiration to me and my family. One of the maxims he lived his life by was, “Make each day your masterpiece.”

I find that quote so inspiring because it reminds me that each day is truly a treasure and a blessing. Each day is something to savor. Making your day a “masterpiece” does not mean making each day “perfect.” Far from it — masterpieces are full of mistakes, trial-and-errors, messes and wrong turns and laughter and spontaneity. Indeed, I think that’s part of what makes a day a “masterpiece” — the surprises give our lives variety and richness.

To me, a masterpiece day is a balanced day. Time with my friends, family and loved ones; time spent pursuing my writing goals; physical exercise and delicious, healthful food; quiet time to reflect and relax. Love, laughter, daydreams, peace.

I originally started this blog in April 2012 to keep track of my steps towards becoming more organized in my day-to-day life and tackling those hidden {and, okay, not-so-hidden} trouble spots that were adding stress and frustration to my life.

Something I’ve discovered is that “organization” doesn’t just pertain to the material possessions you own or how clean your home is. It’s more a way of life; a way of thinking; a way of approaching your day.

So how do we make our days masterpieces? That’s what I’m exploring in this blog!

Making the most of each day, being grateful and mindful, living with passion and joy and love — to me, that is a masterpiece day. And you know what masterpiece days add up to, right? A masterpiece life. What more can any of us ask for?

5 thoughts on “about me

  1. Hi Dallas: Yeesh. Forty minutes a day looking for stuff? If that study had come to my office, the figure would be even higher. Congrats on the new blog – a great idea. Only one suggestion springs immediately to mind; stop being so kind to other Ventura writers 🙂

  2. Pingback: a year of Wooden | Day-By-Day Masterpiece

  3. Your most recent “Wooden” post showed up when I searched “dinner” and I’m so glad it did! As a UCLA grad, I (of course) love John Wooden, and a quick look around your blog told me that you live in my hometown! I look forward to poking around further and reading your posts. (:

    • Thank you so much Kiley for your kind words — I’m so glad you found my blog! I’m looking forward to exploring yours as well. I love your blog title — food and friends, what could be better? Your Teriyaki Tilapia with Sriracha Mayo recipe looks aaaaamazing. Have a great week! 🙂

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